Why take this course?
After completing this course, you will be able to
- use a proven, step-by-step process to create a rigorous, unambiguous data model.
- describe the objectives of data Modelling and how it is positioned within the system development life cycle.
- differentiate between the conceptual, logical, and physical phases of data Modelling.
- construct an entity relationship diagram using entity types, relationships and attributes./li>
- use constructs of the relational model (tables columns, keys) to create a logical data model.
- apply a "bottom-up" approach to data Modelling, including normalization up to fourth normal form.
- plan, organize, and execute a data Modelling project.
- validate and confirm your data model using simple, effective techniques.
Get the skills you need to capture business data requirements in a formal data model. You will be guided through all the steps to create a conceptual, a logical and a physical data model. The course is not tool-specific; therefore, all the concepts and techniques you learn will allow you to perform data modelling by hand, or use the tools of your choice. We'll also introduce you to the practical benefits of conducting data modelling sessions in a JAD-like environment. With the help of extensive, progressive workshop exercises and a detailed case study, you gain real-world, hands-on experience building a data model from start to finish.
Who should attend?
If you will be responsible for performing business analysis and creating a data model to document the results, this course is for you. This course will also help prepare people who need to participate in data Modelling sessions, including end-users, SMEs and Information Systems personnel.
Any prerequisites?
Although no data processing experience is necessary, an understanding of business requirements would be very useful.
Dates and Fees
3 Days

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What Topics are covered?
- Information Systems Development and Business Requirements
- What is a Business Model?
- What is a Data Model?
Conceptual Modelling
- Entity Types
- Type vs. Instance, The Identifier
- Relationships
- Cardinality, Optionality
- Attributes
- The Associative Entity Type
- Subject Area
- The Modelling Process
Logical Modelling
- What is a Logical Model?
- Conceptual to Logical
- The Relational Model of Data
- Domain, Table
- Null Value, Candidate Key
- Primary Key, Foreign Key
- Building the Logical Model
- Modelling Entity Types
- Modelling Relationships
- Modelling Attributes
- Single-Valued vs. Multi-Valued
- The Refined Modelling Process
- Purpose of Definitions
- Categories of Characteristics
- Parts of a Proper Definition
- Genus and Differentia
- The Definition Process
Advanced Modelling Concepts
- Entity Type Hierarchy
- Dependent Entity Type
- History
- Complex and Recursive Relationships
The Modelling Project
- Preparation
- Conducting Modelling Sessions
- Wrap Up, Documentation Bottom-Up Modelling
- User View Analysis
- Canonical Synthesis
- Normalization
- First, Second, Third Normal Forms
- Boyce-Codd, Fourth Normal Forms
Data Modelling and Emerging Technologies
- Object Orientation
- Data Modelling vs. OOA
- Transition from Data to Object Models
Data Warehousing
- Modelling for the Data Warehouse
- The Logical Model
- Developing De-normalized Views
- The Design Model
Model Verification
- Completeness, Correctness -Stability Analysis