Why take this course?
After completing this course, you will be able to
- create and manage Sequential and Partitioned data sets.
- describe the various file organizations and catalogue facilities in MVS.
- access the help facility under MVS.
- use TSO commands within the ISPF facility.
- use the standard ISPF function keys.
- modify your ISPF profile to Customize ISPF screens and EDIT profiles information
- use primary commands and line prefix commands while editing or browsing data sets.
This hands-on course teaches you how to use the TSO/ISPF facility to effectively maintain application components in an MVS environment. Through extensive interactive exercises, you will roll up your sleeves and learn what you need to be able to understand and use the file system available on MVS, and use the TSO/ISPF facility to edit and maintain these files.
Who should attend?
Programmers, programmer analysts, and systems analysts who have minimal experience developing new applications, or maintaining existing applications, in the TSO/ISPF environment.
Any prerequisites?
You should have a basic understanding of computer hardware, software and MVS programming principles.
Dates and Fees
2 Days

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What Topics Are Covered?
Time Sharing Option
- What is TSO?
- Logging into a TSO Environment
- Entering a TSO Command
- TSO Commands
- TSO Help
ISPF Basics
- ISPF Structure
- ISPF Screens
- Keyboard Actions
- Screen Navigation
- Action Bar Interface
- Customizing ISPF Options
- Key Settings
- Log/List Options
- Customizing Colors
Browsing and Editing
- MVS Data Sets
- Data Sets Names
- Member List Processing
- Browse/View Basics
- Advanced Browse/View
- Edit Basics
- Edit Line Commands
- Special Lines Commands
- Advanced Edit Line Commands
- Edit Primary Commands
- Edit Colour Settings
- File Profile Options
- Moving Information between Data Sets
- More Edit Primary Commands
Utilities to Manage Your Environment
- Utility Functions
- Data Set Management
- Library Management
- Move/Copy Utility
- Space Problems
- Data Set List
- Creating your Own Data Set List
Competency Assessment and Certificate
At the request of the person booking, a technical competency assessment will be conducted with the student.This assessment will be a combination of written and multiple choice questions as well as specific coding tests.
Upon a minimum pass rate of 85%, students will receive a Certificate of Competency instead of the standard certificate of course completion.
Please Contact us for more details or specific needs.