Why take this course?
By the end of this course you will be able to
- understand the fundamental purposes of a test plan, to
- focus the planner on the tasks at hand, in a disciplined way
- record a working document that guides daily testing activities
- communicate details of testing to the rest of the world.
- use a test plan as a contract agreement between the test team and other teams on aspects such as
- entry and exit quality criteria to meet
- testing coverage to provide
- time, personnel and other testing resources, and how they are to be allocated
- support given to and needed from other project teams.
- establish the roles and responsibilities of members on the testing team.
- isolate the primary quality factors that testing is to address.
- create a first, best-guess estimate of testing effort.
- document the plan clearly and concisely.
This course focuses on the planning aspect of testing, whether it applies to Unit, System Integration or User Acceptance Testing, as well as testing Web-based applications. You will learn how to determine what is in scope so that you can come up with the best strategy to test an application that is under construction or being modified.
Who should attend?
Any Information Technology personnel and members of the business community involved in the system software testing process. This can include IT developers and designers, IT software testers, Quality Assurance personnel and IT business team leaders or managers. IT managers and team leaders would also benefit as they gain a better understanding of the complexity of software testing.
Any prerequisites?
No previous testing experience or exposure to software testing is required. A general knowledge of software development processes as well as a familiarity with business and Information Technology is helpful but not essential.
Dates and Fees
1 Day

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What Topics are covered?
Prerequisites to Planning
- Establish a testing policy
- Establish Testing Standards and Procedures
- Factors that impact software development
- Types of projects
- Types of software
- Project scopes
- Establishing when testing should occur
Inputs to the Test Plan
- Preparing to write a test plan
- Understand your methodologies
- Understand requirements and specifications
- Using test functional models
Managing Risks
- Identifying potential risks
- Project level risks
- Identifying quality factors
- Component level risks
Creating a Test Strategy
- Identifying constraints
- Document assumptions
- Determine acceptance criteria
- Determine testing strategy
- Static Testing
- Verification Methods
- Verification Tool
- Dynamic Testing
- Validation Methods
- Functional Testing
- Structural Testing
- Who does what
- Accountability
Writing the Test Plan
- Test plan contents
- Test plan terminology
- Test plan guidelines
- Standard sections
- Test reporting
- Documentation