Why take this course?
After completing this course, you will be able to
- explain the objectives of workflow Modelling and how it is positioned within the system development life cycle.
- describe how business activities fit within the overall structure of the business enterprise.
- define key process model components such as functions, processes, events, and external objects.
- construct an Activity Hierarchy Diagram to illustrate the functional decomposition of a business area.
- perform dependency analysis to examine and document activity relationships with activity dependency diagrams.
- use key workflow components such as swim lanes, actors, steps and flows.
- accurately model current business workflow.
- establish standard metrics for cost and elapsed time for workflow activity.
- apply a method to improve the performance of an existing workflow.
Workflow Modelling is the analysis of a business's processes and activities, and the flow of information and objects between activities. A good workflow model helps to clarify how an organization performs its essential business activities and enables the design of cost-effective technology solutions to support its needs. It also helps you discover and address unstated requirements before finalizing your requirements gathering.
This course examines process modelling and teaches you how to create detailed workflow models. We use extensive examples along with practical tips and techniques to show you how to apply this process in the real world.
Who should attend?
Business Analysts and those responsible for designing or redesigning end-to-end business processes to improve performance.
Any prerequisites?
Experience in requirements gathering and documentation or familiarity using standard Modelling techniques and notations is helpful, but not essential.
Dates and Fees
3 Days

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What Topics are covered?
- Information Systems Development and Business Requirements
- What is a Business Model?
- What is a Process Model?
- What is a Workflow Model
Process Model Components
- Business Activities
- Function
- Process
- Procedure
- Elementary Process
Process Modelling
- Activity Decomposition
- Purpose
- Decomposition vs. Composition
- Rules
- Function, Process, and Elementary Process
- Activity Decomposition Approach
- Top-Down
- Bottom-Up
- Middle Out
- The Activity Hierarchy Diagram (AHD)
- Dependency Analysis
- Purpose
- Process
- Activity Dependencies
- Event
- External Object
- Information View
- The Activity Dependency Diagram (ADD)
Workflow Modelling
- Actors and Roles
- Converting the ADD to a Workflow Model
- Swim lanes
- Process Steps
- Flows
- Metrics & Measurement
Modelling the AS-IS Process
- Team Organization
- Suggested Approach
- Project Phase
- Preparation
- Execution
- Project Wrap Up
Business Process Re-engineering
- Definition
- Purpose
- Principles
- Who does BPR
- Why do BPR
Modelling the To-BE Process
- Best Practices
- Goals
- Philosophy/Approach
- Key Steps
- Caveats
- Motivation and Measurement
- Getting Started
- Develop ideal workflow
- Develop to-be workflow